Public Assistance
Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), often referred to simply as the ACA, is a federal statute signed into law on March 23, 2010, designed to decrease the number of uninsured Americans, provide new protections for people who have health insurance, improve the health of Americans, and improve the efficiency and quality of health care delivery. The ACA requires insurance plans to provide minimum essential benefits, including mental health and substance use disorder services, as well as preventive services with no out-of-pocket costs
The goal of CalFresh is to assist low-income people and families purchase food they need for good health. It is the nation’s first line of defense against hunger and the cornerstone of all federal nutrition assistance programs.
CalFresh Application Instructions
Disaster Relief Assistance
for Immigrants Project
(Proyecto de Asistencia para Inmigrantes Afectados
por la Pandemia de la COVID-19)
- CalFresh
- CalWORKs
- Medi-Cal
- CMSP (County Medical Services Program)
- Disaster CalFresh
- GA/GR (General Assistance and General Relief )
Fresh Success Program
CalWORKs -
Cash Aid & Cal-Learn
The goal of CalWORKs is to provide cash assistance and services to eligible needy families, ultimately leading to sustainable self-reliance.
Cal-Learn is a CalWORKs program specifically designed to encourage our youngest CalWORKs recipients to pursue or continue education as the first steps to self-sufficiency. According to the United States Department of Labor, individuals without high school diplomas have the highest unemployment rates and the lowest paying jobs.
General Assistance
- General Assistance is a county funded temporary cash assistance program for unemployed single adults and couples who may not have dependent children and are not receiving other public assistance benefits including, Supplemental Security income (SSI) or unemployment benefits. Employable recipients must attend the Job Link workshop, actively search for employment, and are required to repay county funds. The employable recipients are limited to three months of General Assistance payments in a year period. Please refer to the San Benito County General Assistance Handbook for all the program requirements. See the link below.
How to Apply
To apply for General Assistance, apply in person at San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency located at:
1111 San Felipe Road Suite 103
Hollister, CA. 95023
Ph: (831) 636-4180

County Medical Services Program
Path 2 Health

- The goal of County Medical Services Program (CMSP) Path 2 Health (P2H) is to provide affordable health care to low – income adults at no or limited cost.
About the CMSP / P2H Program
The CMSP / P2H program is administered in 34 primarily rural California counties and funded exclusively by realignment revenue (motor vehicle license fees and sales tax) and county general revenue.
Program Requirements
- Adults between the ages of 21-64
- Residents of San Benito County
- Income must be 200% of the current Federal Poverty Level (for CMSP)
- Income must be less than or equal to 100% of the current Federal Poverty Level (forP2H)
- Meet resource limit guidelines (for CMSP only)
Covered Medical Services
- Medical care
- Dental care
- Vision care
- Prescription coverage
The goal of Medi-Cal is to respond to the health care coverage needs growing number of uninsured individuals, and to address the need of supplemental coverage for individuals whose insurance premiums and deductibles are too costly.
We are currently encountering an increase in wait times at our office. To streamline your Medi-Cal renewal process, we recommend utilizing BenefitsCal.
How to Apply for Medi-Cal
You may apply online for Medi-Cal using the BenefitsCal website.
San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency is located at:
Health and Human Services Agency
1111 San Felipe Road, Suite 206
Hollister, CA 95023
About the Program
In California, each county is responsible for administering Medi-Cal eligibility and for interpreting state regulations.
Program Requirements
Medi-Cal covers low-income adults, families with children, seniors, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, children in foster care and former foster youth up to age 26.
Covered Services
- Medical
- Dental
- Vision
- Prescription

Food and Nutrition Service
Welfare Fraud Investigative Unit

The goal of the Welfare Fraud Investigative Unit is to safeguard public assistance funds at the county level through the prevention, detection, and investigation of welfare fraud and recovery of misspent funds.
Welfare-to-Work Program
The Welfare-to-Work Program serves CalWORKs recipients with the goal of self sufficiency through unsubsidized employment by providing individualized case management, supportive services, life skills training, and necessary employment and training services.
Public Assistance Division
1111 San Felipe Road-Suite 206
Hollister, CA 95023
Fax: (831) 637-9754
TDD/TTY: (831) 634-4969
Deputy Director: Lupe Rubalcava