San Benito County

Health & Human Services Agency

Hollister, California

Senior Oral Health

Good oral health care – Daily brushing, flossing and regular dental visits are important to keep the older adult healthy. The link between oral health and overall health is strong.
Daily brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste and flossing is essential to maintaining proper dental
If taking medications, make sure to read labels and see if you they may cause dry mouth, which can contribute to gum disease, decay, and root caries. Talk to your dentist and M.D. about alternatives if you are experiencing dry mouth.
If you having trouble gripping toothbrush you can wrap the handle with tape or get a tooth brush with a large handle, use flossing aides. Fluoride rinses and gels are useful if you have a lot of root exposure. Or ask your dentist for a prescription of a stronger fluoridated toothpaste.
Make sure to use floss aids under bridges and around implants, and make sure you are not wearing partials or dentures to bed. It is very important that the tissue in your mouth get oxygen.
Proper teeth cleaning every 6 months is essential and can be beneficial every 4 months if you are not able to brush and floss properly.
For facts about senior oral health go to:
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