San Benito County

Health & Human Services Agency

Hollister, California

Maternal Health for Pregnant Women


Breast Feeding

Babies are born to breastfeed! While a mother’s milk provides the best
nutrition for her baby, there are often barriers preventing a new mother
from feeling ready or comfortable breastfeeding her baby. If you need
more information, please visit:
Breast Feeding Task Force

Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP)

The Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) provides a wide range of culturally competent services to Medi-Cal pregnant women, from conception through 60 days postpartum. In addition to standard obstetric services, women receive enhanced services in the areas of nutrition, psychosocial and health education. If you would like more information on the CPSP program, please visit the following link:

WIC Women and Infant Children

Good nutrition is a foundation to good health.

Part of the nation’s nutrition safety net for over 40 years, WIC now serves more than 6 million pregnant and post-partum women, infants, and children in the US. For a family to participate, it must have gross income of no more than 185 percent of the federal poverty level and be at nutritional risk. To simplify program administration, an applicant who already receives SNAP (formerly food stamps), Medicaid, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families cash assistance is automatically considered income eligible.

Extensive research has found WIC to be a cost-effective investment that improves the nutrition and health of low-income families- leading to healthier infants, more nutritious diets, and better health care for children, and subsequently to higher academic achievement for students. As a result of the research documenting WIC’s effectiveness, Administrations and Congresses of both parties have provided sufficient funding since 1997 to ensure that WIC can serve all eligible low-income pregnant women, infants, and young children who apply for it.

For more information, please see below links:

SIDS/SUIDS Information

In the United States, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death for infants from one month to one year of age. SIDS is the sudden death of an infant under one year of age which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation, requires a complete autopsy, thorough examination and investigation of the death scene and review of the clinical history of the family and infant. Most deaths occur between two to four months. There is no way to predict when SIDS will happen. Researchers now know that certain factors can be changed or controlled while a mother is pregnant and in the early months after the baby is born that can lower a baby’s risk of dying of SIDS. Examples of ways to reduce SIDS are to place babies on their backs to sleep, avoid exposure to overheating and tobacco smoke.

SUID is the sudden and unexpected death of an infant in which the manner and cause of death are not immediately obvious prior to investigation. How are SUID and SIDS different? Learn more about SUID and how investigations are conducted and SUID is diagnosed.

For information on SIDS/SUIDS please see the following links:

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Best viewed withGoogle Chrome and Firefox. Our Agency’s website links to Google Translation as a convenience for those who speak/read languages other than English.  Please be aware that no automated or computerized translation tool produces a perfect translation.  The context of the wording may be lost when translated and some translations may lose the intended meaning. Therefore, the San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translated content. 
If any  questions arise concerning the translated version of the website, please refer to the original English version.
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