San Benito County

Health & Human Services Agency

Hollister, California

Hospital Preparedness Program

The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) enhances the ability of hospitals and health care systems to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies such as disasters and multi-casualty incidents. The HPP is managed by Public Health Services Emergency Preparedness Program.

The HCC San Benito Chapter is comprised of representatives from Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital in Hollister as well as representatives from clinics and long-term care facilities. This local chapter plans, trains, and informs all partners of CDPH and DHHS guidance for emergency preparedness.

Monterey-San Benito Healthcare Preparedness Coalition

The HCC San Benito Chapter partners with Monterey County HCC Chapter to form the Monterey-San Benito Healthcare Preparedness Coalition (MSBHPC). This collaborative effort between the counties of Monterey and San Benito expands the capacity of assistance to each other in the event of an emergency. This coalition, along with the local chapter groups meet monthly and train quarterly in preparation for emergencies.


The HPP Healthcare Coalition Vision

It is the intention of the MSBHPC to not only provide Monterey and San Benito County Healthcare facilities with an avenue to participate in community preparedness activities but also function as an accessible source of preparedness and response “best practices” to coalition partners.

The HPP Healthcare Coalition Purpose

The MSBHPC is a network of healthcare organizations, government agencies, long term care, and other providers working together to strengthen emergency preparedness, response and recovery. The Coalition works to train all members in the local disaster response system procedures to ensure the health system works together during times of emergencies.

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