San Benito County

Health & Human Services Agency

Hollister, California

Children's Health & Medical Services

Child Health & Disability Prevention Program


Children's Medical Services

Our Mission is to Assure the Health of California’s Children

Erica Elliot, Chair
Eric Taylor, 2nd Chair
Esther Curtice, Secretary

Kendra Bobsin
Thomas Breen
Krystal Lomanto

Joshua Mercier
Ashlyn Canez
Maria Vaca
Anthony Aguiar

Documents related to agenda items that are distributed to the San Benito County CAPC less than 72 hours prior to the meeting shall be available for public inspection at 1111 San Felipe Road, Suite 205, Hollister, CA 95023. Documents distributed to the CAPC at the meeting will be available at the meeting or after the meeting.

Language Translation Disclaimer
Best viewed withGoogle Chrome and Firefox. Our Agency’s website links to Google Translation as a convenience for those who speak/read languages other than English.  Please be aware that no automated or computerized translation tool produces a perfect translation.  The context of the wording may be lost when translated and some translations may lose the intended meaning. Therefore, the San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translated content. 
If any  questions arise concerning the translated version of the website, please refer to the original English version.
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