San Benito County

Health & Human Services Agency

Hollister, California

Become a resource family


We are always on the lookout for motivated community members to become resource families who wish to provide a child with a safe, loving. nurturing, accepting and consistent home where they can thrive.

Resource Family Approval Program (RFA).



As a resource family, you provide care to a child or children who are:

  • Related or unrelated to you; and
  • Under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court or the care of a County child welfare agency or probation department.

The program also allows emergency placements with relatives and non-related extended family members (NREFM).

Once approved, Resource Families may be considered for foster care, guardianship and adoption placements.

Am I eligible to apply?

Resource family eligibility does not depend on your marital status, religion, or gender identity. You can be married, single, separated or divorced, LGBTQ+ or a same-sex family. Here are the qualifications to become a resource family:

  • Be at least 18 years of age. There is no upper age limit as long as your health and energy levels align with the needs and activities of a child or youth in your care, enabling you to actively engage and support their development.
  • Be in good physical and mental health to ensure that you can meet the needs of a child or youth coming into your home. Note that a physical exam may be required.
  • Have the ability to provide stability and consistency, love, support, and care to a child or youth in foster care. 
  • Have sufficient income to meet your current household expenses. Own or rent your home, which must have adequate space for the addition to your household.

For more information on eligibility and requirements, see California Department of Children’s Services Written Directives for the Resource Family Approval Program.

Resource family application and resources

Apply to be a resource family

Apply today and reap the rewards of being a foster    ➡️              or adoptive family.

Get resource family support

Access wide ranging services designed to help resource  ➡️      families and foster children and youths succeed.


Quick Links

🔗Resource family FAQ

🔗On-line San Benito County Resource Family                 Application

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If any  questions arise concerning the translated version of the website, please refer to the original English version.
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