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California Children’s Services (CCS)
What Is California Children’s Services (CCS)?
CCS is a state program that helps children with certain diseases, physical limitations, or chronic health problems.
Can Our Child Get CCS?
If you or anyone else thinks that your child has a medical problem that is CCS eligible, the CCS program may pay for a medical exam to find out if your child’s medical condition is covered. If determined eligible, CCS pays for or provides services like:
- Doctor visits
- Hospital stays
- Surgery
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Lab tests and X-rays
- Orthopedic appliances and medical equipment
What Else Can CCS Do For Our Child?
CCS can manage your child’s medical care. This means CCS can get the special doctors and care your child needs. Sometimes, CCS refers you to other agencies like Public Health Nursing and Regional Centers, so you can get the services your child needs.
What Are The Requirements?
To get CCS, your child must:
- Be under 21 years old
- Have or may have a medical problem that CCS covers
- Be a resident of California
- Have a family income under $40, 000 (your adjusted gross income on the state tax form)
What If I Need More Information About CCS?
You can still get CCS if:
- You have Medi-Cal (full scope, no cost)
- You have Healthy Families insurance
- Your out-of-pocket medical expenses for your child’s care is more than 20% of your family income
- You only want Medical Therapy Program (MTP) services
- You need to see a doctor to determine whether your child is eligible for CCS or
- You adopted your child with a known medical problem that made them eligible for CCS
What Medical Problems Does CCS Cover?
CCS covers children with problems like:
- Congenital heart disease
- Cancers, tumors
- Hemophilia, sickle cell anemia
- Thyroid problems, diabetes
- Serious chronic kidney problems
- Liver or intestine diseases
- Cleft lip/palate, spina bifida
- Hearing loss, cataracts
- Cerebral palsy, uncontrolled seizures
- Rheumatoid arthritis, muscular distrophy
- Severe head, brain, or spinal cord injuries, severe burns
- problems caused by premature birth
- severely crooked teeth
- broken bones
Can We Use Any Doctor Or Provider We Want?
No. CCS must approve the provider, services, and equipment first.
How Do We Apply?
Complete a CCS application and mail or drop it off at the San Benito County Public Health Services. You can request and application from the San Benito County Public Health Services or you may download a copy from http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/ccs/Pages/default.aspx
Can A Child Apply For CCS?
If your child is 18 or older or an emancipated minor, they can apply on their own.
Transition planning for children starting at age 14:
California Children’s Services (CCS) ends at age 21. It is VERY important that you (and your caregivers) know what your adult health plans are before you turn 21. Below are some resources and questions that may help you with transition planning:
- Please view the San Benito County Resource Guide , your complete guide to services, programs and resources in San Benito County
Important Questions
- When will my pediatric doctor stop seeing me? Or will this doctor continue to see me as an older adult?
- Who will be my adult doctor(s)?
- What medication, equipment, or supplies might I need?
- What health insurance and/or income programs will I be able to get?
- What skills and information do I need to keep myself in good health?
- How will my health needs fit with my plans for:
- a future job or career
- college
- living on my own
- Are there activities or groups in my community, especially for people with my health condition?
These are just a few questions. It is important to speak with your doctors, family and other important people in your life (like Regional Center case worker, rehabilitation counselor, school counselor) to participate in transition planning with you.
Webpages and links
- Disability Rights California
- Got Transition? Youth Page
- Department of Rehabilitation
- California Disability Benefits 101
- disability.gov
- The Center for Children with Special Needs
- Pacific ADA Center
- Medical Continuous Coverage Communication Toolkit
- MCED Social Media Graphics – English
- Global Language – English
- DHCS Flyer – Non-Customizable-CalWIN
- DHCS FLYER – Non-Customizable-CalSAWS