San Benito County

Health & Human Services Agency

Hollister, California

More About Adult Protective Services

Principles That Guide Our Work

  • The concerns of elders and dependent adults are the starting point of any intervention.
  • Clients have the right to make their own decisions as long as they do not harm themselves or others.
  • Clients can make their own decisions unless a court has ruled otherwise.
  • Clients have the right to accept or refuse services.
  • APS social workers do not impose personal values on clients.
  • APS keeps every client’s personal information confidential.
  • APS values the cultural, historical, and personal beliefs of all clients.
  • APS honors the right of clients to receive information in a manner that they can understand.
Language Translation Disclaimer
Best viewed withGoogle Chrome and Firefox. Our Agency’s website links to Google Translation as a convenience for those who speak/read languages other than English.  Please be aware that no automated or computerized translation tool produces a perfect translation.  The context of the wording may be lost when translated and some translations may lose the intended meaning. Therefore, the San Benito County Health and Human Services Agency cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translated content. 
If any  questions arise concerning the translated version of the website, please refer to the original English version.
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